Besos & please feel free to share our new logo, please tag us loves @coolaschic
B**** Stole My Look
Introducing the 2016 Halloween Costume for Instagram – “Oh, Snap!” The crew over at Cool As Chic had a little fun today as we created a little instasnap clap back. Today, Instagram announced to its 500 million monthly users that there was a new feature in town and her name is Snapchat, err. Rather similar to snapchat, it’s almost identical twin. Snaptastic, it will allow you to create ‘stories’ that will delete in 24 hours. Sound eerily familiar? Well if you are any of the 100 million (now including Adults! Hello, lover…) Snapchat users you must have looked like a scrunched up babies face trying lemon for the first time. Confused, slightly. Entertained? Yes, a little. We prefer the difference and understand that in the technological landscape one must stay ahead of the game. While there may be few places in the social media left to go untraveled – we’d prefer something lets say a little bit more unique. Or shall we say minimizing ads on Instagram to create a more user friendly experience. Too much? Too soon? Work with us people! I’m sure many, like you dear reader can agree with our sentiments. Enjoy and if you haven’t already click on the upper left handside of your home page on Instagram to see the comical “look what’s NEW” feature. Let us know what you think!